Our specific work
We have emerged as a new sub-asset class within the crypto markets, attracting investors who want to get in early on what could turn out to become the next iteration of the internet. Early-stage versions of the metaverse, such as Decentraland and Sandbox, are powered by cryptocurrencies that act as currencies in these virtual worlds. For investors, they offer an avenue to gain investment exposure to this new and fast-growing industry.
And when the guidelines were agreed, it was clear that this was more than rhetoric. EU governments have essentially committed themselves to allowing Northern Ireland to rejoin the EU if Ireland is united. This is a very big dealrather startling to find Irish concerns up there on the list of fundamental priorities,.
Our process
Step 1: Receive and Evaluate
Step 2: Analysis and Planning
Step 3: Make plans and Implement
Analysis charts and statistics
What you got ?
Britain’s departure from the EU is (in principle) to be final; Northern Ireland’s is now contingent. Britain is getting a divorce; Northern Ireland is being offered a trial separation. For Britain, there is a one-way ticket; for Northern Ireland, there is an automatic right of return. The implicit offer is two unions for the price of one: unite Ireland and you reunite with Europe.